
Pothichil Treatment Part 1 (Duration: 02:07:48)

Pothichil Treatment Part 1 (Duration: 02:07:48)

Regular price Rs. 6,700.00
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Pothichil Treatment is the 6th main branch among the 24 main branches of the kalari marma treatment. This treatment segment is highly effective to enhance the body temperature regulating system, removing the interruptions related to nervous system, disintegration of various toxins of body fluids and also to strengthens the internal organs. It also stimulates the meticulous activities of skin and illuminates toxins in the form of sweat. it is helpful to remove swellings, tumors, pain, burning sensation etc. It is used in various kalari treatment centers for reducing obesity, fatigue, certain stages of head ache, stimulation of cells, strengthening of bones and to improve flexibility of joints. There is also a strict diet system to follow along with this treatment which may vary according to the body condition of person.  

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