Gurukulam Communication

Thirithirummu - A segment of Kalari Marma Massage Therapy (Duration : 01:10:08)

Thirithirummu - A segment of Kalari Marma Massage Therapy (Duration : 01:10:08)

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Thirithirummu massage method is an important method in the marma message therapy segments. Therapists utilizes thicker and longer thread made of rolling cloth, matured shathavari roots or irattimadhuram roots for conducting thirithirummu. This massage therapy is provided for those who are facing obesity or having tight muscle structure. The people who are facing obesity have dense fat layers mostly on abdomen, chest, area near armpit, both sides of back bone, neck, face and even at the portions related to thigh muscles. The application of thirithirummu is helpful to remove  these fat layers. It can be easily utilised for children and old aged people is one of the important significance of thirithirummu message therapy. This massage therapy is helpful to remove tumors found in muscles, improves blood flow related to nerves, removes the irregular tightness of muscles and also improve the flexibility of nerves and joints. This method is helpful to conduct massage to every portion of fingers and toes and hence improves the performance of related joints and improves blood circulation. This therapy method is helpful to cure diseases in the category of arthritis which are defined in traditional treatment systems. They are rakthavaatham, peshivaatham, aammavaatham, marmavaatham, oothiravaatham, naadivaatham and santhivaatham. The therapy course duration will be 14 days, 21 days or 36 days along the intake of recommended medicines and routine or nalarikka for certain period. This therapy segment is so much precise so that it has to be conducted under the guidance of a Kalari marma master who has at least 30 years of experience in this field. During the period of kings and kingdoms in India, the marma therapists were provided treatments for fractures, injuries etc and also to recover those who are facing very complicated conditions which are likely to happen most commonly during war. They have been utilized the 24 major segments of Kalari marma for curing diseases and health related problems for those who lived in villages and palace. The most important significance of Kalari marma therapy is that therapy course is focused to remove the reason behind the disease. This will leads to permanent or consistent relief from the disease or the structural  correction. While majority of other treatment systems can be provided with a temporary relief and to maintain that the patients have to intake medicines regularly which may cause serious health problems in the future sometimes even to their upcoming generation. The people who are  facing this issues are mostly found in cities. Majority of people will go behind easy and fast solutions in curing health issues because of their fast life style. As a result they are supposed to suffer obesity and its side effects which sometimes causes very serious problems. Thats why majority of people in cities and towns will be facing with frequent health related  issues and a large portion of children are facing obesity. These children may face serious health problems whenever they grow up. Their next generation may have chance to face with minor or major malfunctioning of organs even at their young age and even affect the reproduction ability of the next generation which may cause population crash. Money and formal education system have certain limitations in terms of maintaining health of a person. Those who follows a healthy life style following the principles of traditional health maintaining systems will never get into a situation who are needed to be consumed with regular intake of medicines. There are a lot of traditional systems of medicines in India among Kalari marma therapy has a major role and can be helpful for people from different countries inorder to control and cure their health related problems or diseases. These therapy modules have been designed by ancient masters who had a very intense knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of human body. The purpose of this video is to preserve the knowledge and to create awareness of thirithirummu for upcoming generations. Please don't blindly imitate this video.

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